The Gates of Castle Builder II Are Ready to be Open
Microgaming is preparing to deliver a brand new game that has probably been eagerly expected by countless fans of the gambling entertainment, particularly after the success of the predecessor of this new release-Castle Builder. The slot won awards, numerous admirers and received praise for its innovative gameplay that makes the connection between social games and online playing. The new product is the sequel Castle Builder II and its forthcoming release was celebrated on the 9th of February at the Microgaming Bar.
The New Castle Builder
This new game is a larger, improved experience and provides the players with a fresh world. Gamblers will be taken to a map of the kingdoms, almost as if they are playing a turn-based strategy game and the more they play the more they will be unlocking different kinds of achievements, gathering materials, constructing buildings, all of which will be delivering substantial financial profits. The game will offer players 5 reels and a huge variety of choices. Three avatars will be having multiple storylines and every story will lead to a different game feature. 15 kingdoms, 75 castles and over 300 characters to engage is in short what Castle Builder II will be able to put the gambler through. You are wondering how is it that the gambling mechanics will work in a game, which literally sounds like it might as well be a mass-multiplier action game? You will just have to give it a try and be mind-blown as you find out. Castle Builder II will also offer different challenges in which each prize that is won will provide the gambler's avatar with a new ability.
The Release
Thomas Shleischitz, who is the Founder and CEO of Rabcat has stated that Castle Builder (the first game) has brought tremendous success. The game was launched with 80 operators all over the world. Theoretically, Castle Builder II should most definitely build on that success since it is in possession of a bigger, more diverse gameplay. Returning to the game and experiencing the stories over and over will be much more pleasurable and intriguing now because of the considerably more directions in which every character's plot can go, because of the bigger number of in-game realms, levels and achievements. Q2 2017 is when Castle Builder II steps on the world stage, available for desktop and mobile devices. Reportedly, the launch is going to be quite impressive as a castle made of sand is being built-a replica of one of the most important castles in the game itself.
Castle Builder II will basically feel as if you are embarking on a journey, in a multiplier online world or in an adventure book but as you go along and your character progresses, all the riches that he or she picks up along the way will move into your pocket in the real world. It's a great idea and Castle Builder II promises to realize it in an even more pleasurable way than the first game did.